How To Use Android Or iOS To Track A Mobile Device

There are many ways to track the location of a cell phone. Some of these ways require certain apps to be downloaded to the phone. However, if you own an Android or iOS powered device, you can track the cell phone's location for free. Read on to learn how.

  1. Track Android Devices With Google's Android Device Manager
    This system allows you to set up your Android powered device so that you can track it, ring it if it is lost and erase all of the data on it remotely. You can do all of this with a Google account, your device and a simple registration screen. This service is free and it provides some protection if your device is ever lost or stolen. It also allows you to track the device from anywhere in the world.

    To learn more about the service and how the Google Android Device Manager works, you can read its Google's support page here:
    Google's Android Device Manager Support Page

  2. Track Android Devices Using A Google Account And Google's Map Location History When you set up an Android powered device, you provide the device with a Google username and password. If you have access to that Google account, you can use it to track the phone. Android powered devices offer a location feature. This location feature allows the device to send location data back to Google. That data is saved under your Google account. To enable this feature, you just have to enable location tracking on the device. This feature is located under the Settings area or by clicking Your location data can be accessed at the following url: Your Google Map Location History

    To learn more about the service and how location tracking works, you can read the Google support page for the feature here:
    Google Maps Location History Support Page

  3. Track iPhone and iPad Devices Using A Google Account And Google's Map Location History
    iPhone and iPad devices can also be tracked using the Google Maps Location History system. However, as of Google Maps version 3.2.1, you cannot turn on Location Reporting & History from the Google Maps app for iPhone & iPad. Google Maps can, however, use location data from other Google powered apps on the device. Your location data can be accessed at the following url:
    Your Google Map Location History

    To learn more about the service and how location tracking works, you can read the Google support page for the feature here: 
    Google Maps Location History For iPhone And iPad Devices Support Page
  5. Track iPhone And iPad Devices Using Apple's iCloud Feature
    The Apple iCloud feature allows you to track an iPad or iPhone device. This feature requires the 'Find My device' feature to be set up on the device. However, once it is, you can use the iCloud find page to log in and track your device. If the device is offline when you log in, the system will show the last location when the phone was online.

    To learn more about the service and how iCloud works, you can read the Apple support page for the feature here:
    iCloud Find My Device Feature For iPhone And iPad Devices Support Page

These are just a few of the free ways to track your device. There are more. We will explore additional ways in other articles on Trust!Wait!Investigate. Stay Tuned.

The Trust!Wait!Investigate! Team

How To Investigate A Resume

Reading resumes can be a very fun thing to do. You get to see how people think and what they consider to be important. Unfortunately, you also get to see how people lie. From their experience to their educational background to what they actually know - some people just cannot resist lying on their resume. We are going to show you how to get beyond the lies on a resume and learn the truth about your potential new employee.

Call any educational institution listed on the resume. 
Educational institutions will easily verify the dates of attendance and any degree obtained. For some reason, many people like to lie about their educational experience. It is entirely too easy to obtain the truth to even think about wasting time lying about this. Even if you get the job, you are likely to lose the job after your non-existent degree is revealed.

Verify dates of employment and job titles with human resources directly.
When you work at a job, you usually make friends. Some people have actually used these friendships to their advantage when looking for a new job. They will give you the number of the friend to call for verification. Never use the numbers provided by a potential employee. Instead, call the Human Resources office of the company directly or call the company and ask who is responsible for employment verifications. This will lead you to the best person to handle verifications.

Test skills listed on the resume.
If the person has skills listed on the resume, you are going to ask questions about those skills.

These are simple tips to verify the content of a resume.
Trust, wait and investigate!

The Trust!Wait!Investigate! Team

11 Lies People Tell When Dating Online

For many, online dating has become a way of life. Gone are the days where meeting someone in the parking lot of your local Starbucks is your first interaction. Today, by the time you get to Starbucks, you have already chatted endlessly online about what you want in a person and the person you are meeting already has a good idea what you look like and what you like. Although people have changed the way they meet potential new mates, one thing that has not changed is the need to verify that what someone is telling you is true. Yet many people, even when "meeting" someone for the first time online, are remiss to investigate people using the same medium - even though it is now much easier to do. It is almost as if meeting someone online has given people a false sense of security - helping them believe that what a person says about himself or herself is 100% true. Some people also falsely assume that the dating websites they are using will properly vet the people who sign up. Nothing could be further from the truth. So how can you protect yourself when meeting people online? Trust, wait and investigate!
We have put together a list of some of the lies people tell online so you can be aware of them and protect yourself.
  1. Using a fake or altered name.
    Believe it or not, but a lot of people lie about their names when they sign up for online dating websites. Sometimes they lie because they do not want their real name out there until or unless they find someone they really want to get to know. Sometimes the reason is more insidious. Some people have a criminal history they are trying to run from and their use of a fake or altered name is to prevent others from being able to search or find out about their criminal history. Court verification using the name and address information, can help you determine if the person you are dealing with online is using a fake name. Look up the name on your local court website. Most states in the US offer court information online. If the name and address yield someone with an age that is far off the mark, you might be dealing with someone who is being dishonest and you may need to move on and let that person go.
  2. Using pictures that do not truly reflect what the person looks like.
    Many people are guilty of this, however, online you just cannot get that first look that you take for granted when you meet someone in person. The only verification for this is actually meeting the person, but there are a few things to think about. Is the person hiding what they actually look like because they are ashamed, is the person trying to set you up to see what you look like first before they reveal themselves to you or is the person just a scammer. Ask the person for current pictures of themselves. If they balk or are unwilling, you know something is wrong. If they give you pictures and then you meet them in person and they look completely different, then you should terminate your relationship with that person. At the very least the person is a liar and, if a person shows you that they are a liar in the beginning, you have nothing to look forward to but more lies. 
  3. Lying about their where they live.
    Many people lie about where they live online. Sometimes they do this to prevent people from showing up on their doorsteps and sometimes they do it because they are living with their families and want to keep them in the dark about their online activities.  Sometimes they do this because they are ashamed about where they live. Saying you live in your mother's basement does not really inspire amorous feelings - even if it is true. There are other reasons people lie about where they live, but again, at the very least the person is a liar and, if a person shows you that they are a liar in the beginning, you have nothing to look forward to but more lies. 
  4. Lying about their relationship status.
    Some people are greedy by nature. They could have everything they need and then some, but they still want more. Some people on these online dating sites are already in committed relationships. However, they are looking for a little outside activity. This can be hard to pinpoint. However, if the person consistently refuses to meet up with you by continually offering you excuses, refuses to give you real address information or can only talk to you over the phone at odd times, you might be dealing with someone who is already in a relationship. If you have the person's real name, you can look up marriage certificates on a state by state basis. If you do not, however, getting to the truth might be harder if you cannot pin this person's location down. If you do find out that a person is already in a relationship, run away fast. At the very least the person is a liar and, if a person shows you that they are a liar in the beginning, you have nothing to look forward to but more lies. If they are willing to lie to the person they are already committed to, they are certainly going to lie to you too. Do not fall for any reason the person tries to give you for being dishonest. 
  5. Lying about their interests.
    This one will be simple to spot once you start really seeing the person face to face. Very few people can continue to feign interest after that initial honeymoon phase. In fact, most psychopaths use shared interest to build a rapport with a person, but quickly drop the act when they get what they want or discover that they cannot get what they want from a particular person. Be on the lookout for people who are quick to love everything you love. If it sounds too good to be true, oftentimes it is. If the person starts to try to stop you from enjoying things they pretended to enjoy as well, this is often a sign for you to get away quickly.
  6. Lying about their past.
    Everyone has a past. However, everyone does not lie about their past. Some people will tell you that they do that to avoid discussing it because it is too painful. However, the reality for most people is that they are lying because they did something wrong and do not want whatever that was uncovered. This may be lying about their sexual history or lying about their past relationships or lying about their past accomplishments. Either way, it is lying and you need to run for the hills.
  7. Lying about their sexual history or orientation.
    This can be a bit confusing to many. If you are homosexual, why would you lie and say you are heterosexual? For many people, the issue is one of acceptance. Perhaps they were never fully accepted for who they are. Perhaps they do not accept who they are and what they really feel themselves. Sometimes it is for religious reasons and sometimes it is something far deeper. Instead of trying to figure it out, move on. A person who is confused about who they are or who is full of self loathing is not going to make a good mate.
  8. Lying about what they are looking for.
    This is a classic and this can be hard to spot. Many people who date online are looking for casual relationships. However, they also understand that coming right out and admitting this to most people would be an instant turnoff. So what do they do? They lie. They say they are looking for serious relationships when they are not. They say they want commitment when they do not. They say they are in it for the long haul when they are not. They try to gain your confidence to get what they are looking for and then they are done. To ferret out these people, you have to trust and wait. Investigating does not often uncover the truth about these people. However, staying vigilant and paying attention to what they say often does. If the person seems to be head over heals in love from the outset, that is a sure sign that something is wrong.
  9. Lying about their income.
    Again, this is a classic. People often inflate their bank accounts or what they have when they date in person and online. However, online dating often lacks a certain connection. When you meet someone face to face, you can see how they are dressed, how they talk, how they look and, in some cases, what they drive. This is not possible when you start off online. However, there are warning signs. If the person starts asking in-depth questions about your finances, asks you for money or asks you to help them out of a financial issue after proclaiming their own great financial status, that person is likely lying about their finances.
  10. Lying about how many dating sites they are on.
    There is likely no worse feeling than seeing someone you care about spreading their information on multiple dating sites after having lied to you about where they are advertising themselves. While many people like to and should look in different places, people who lie about this are often doing so to cover up their true intentions. If you come across a person who has felt the need to lie to you about being on multiple dating sites, do not feel like you have to waste your time with this person. Take it as a sign and move on quickly. People who lie about things like this will lie about many other things that are far more important.
  11. Lying about what they feel about you.
    We all want to feel loved and cared about. Predators know this. They know this and they prey on those feelings. Oftentimes people in online dating scenarios are courting multiple people at once. Although it is a given considering the nature of the medium, some people are still inclined to lie about this so they can keep their options open. After all, it does not make a person feel good to hear that a person you like is dating other people and keeping their options open because they are not sure about you and want to make sure they lock in with the best person they can get. Instead of saying that, a lot of people will just lie because it is easier. In this case, asking questions and telling the person you are interested in that you do not mind if they are talking to other people might get them to open  up. If their online dating is a problem for you, say so and move on. If they have lied and you have managed to catch them in a lie, you know what you need to do - run. Just because you are looking for love in online places may not mean that you want to date a serial dater.
The bottom line is that online dating can be fraught with pitfalls. It is important that you take the time to investigate everything you are told when you meet someone online and give them time to show you their true colors. Because of the break-neck speed at which we can meet people, we often take for granted that there are unscrupulous people just waiting to prey on those of us who are trusting enough or naïve enough to not investigate them. Do not be a victim. People will play all kinds of games according to their wishes and whims. It is up to you to decide if you want to play along. Remember - trust, wait, but always investigate!

The Trust!Wait!Investigate! Team

How To Research Court Cases Someone May Be Involved With

Have you ever wanted to know if your employee, spouse, significant other or new friend has been involved or is currently involved in legal proceedings? Getting this information has become easier than ever thanks to the Internet. In the United States, each state controls the flow of information available. Below, you will find a state by state list of where you can go to research people to determine if they have or have had any court cases. You will also find a link to federal cases.

Alabama .  Offers access to trial court records for each of Alabama's 67 count.  A subscription has a start up cost of $150  and a monthly fee.  Cases include civil, criminal,  traffic, domestic relations and child support, outstanding alias warrants, trial court dockets, and attorney case information.

Just One Look TM .  Access to Alabama trial court records one case at a time.  Basic fee of $9.99 per case plus additional charges. 
Alaska CourtView Database includes case records from 24 Alaskan court systems.

Name Index (for cases before 1990) 
Arizona Public Access to Court Case Information.  Information available from 153 of the 180 courts in Arizona.  Search is by case number or party names.  The site also features a case notification service.
Maricopa County Public Access to Case Information .   Public access to case, parties, and judgment dockets by case number and name.  The database includes civil cases, criminal cases, family court cases, and probate cases. 

Pima County Consolidated Justice Courts.   Access the docket by entering a name, case number, or citation number.  The database includes civil, criminal, and traffic cases.

Mesa Municipal Court - Inquiry. - Search by Complaint, Docket or DR number as well as  Name.
Arkansas Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Docket Search .  Search judicial opinions or the state's docket by case number or name.

Online Public Records.  Benton County,  Search Court Dockets.
Pulaski Circuit/County Clerk - Search Civil, Criminal, Probate and Domestic Relations Cases. 
District Court of Sebastian County  Fort Smith Division.  Search Civil, Traffic and Criminal Cases. 
California Alameda County. DomainWeb provides information about General Civil, Probate and Family Law cases. It does not include Criminal, Juvenile, or Traffic cases.
 Butte County.  All non-confidential, non-sealed, case types are available (Civil, Criminal, Family Law, Probate, Small Claims, Traffic, etc.).

Costra Costa.  Online case information.  Information on civil, family, small claims, or probate cases.

Fresno County.  Banner CourtConnect.  Search by person name, business name or case type.

Glenn County - Search Case Indexes for Civil/Family Law and Criminal/Traffic.

Kern County - Search Civil, Civil Appeals, Family Law, Probate and Small Claims.

Orange County - Case Access to Civil, Criminal and Traffic, Family Law, Probate, and Small Claims.
California Appellate Courts.  Access information concerning the California Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals.  The database does not include juvenile cases or paternity records.
Probate Notes.  A service of the Los Angeles Superior Court.  It only includes information on the Central District, Compton, Lancaster, Long Beach, Norwalk, Pasadena, Pomona, Santa Monica, Torrance, and Van Nuys District Courts.
Colorado .  Access information on Colorado district and county court cases including both open and closed cases.  Includes domestic relations, water, civil, criminal, traffic and small claims cases.  Sealed, probate, mental health, and juvenile cases are not available.  The Web site charges $6 per search.  This Web site allows users to review court records pertaining to traffic, criminal, civil and domestic cases.  The cost per search is $5.95 per search.
Connecticut Case Look-up.   Provides information about civil, family, criminal, motor vehicle, housing, and small claims cases.
Delaware Virtual DocketManages Delaware's court documents online.  The database allows the user to access information concerning bankruptcy, chancery, claims, district, opinions, and the state's supreme court.  The Web site charges a fee to access the information.
Florida County Official Records Search .  Allows the user to search the county records of the following Florida counties: Alachua, Baker, Bay, Bradford, Brevard, Calhoun, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Collier, Columbia, DeSoto, Dixie, Duval, Escambia, Flagler, Franklin, Gilchrist, Glades, Gulf, Hamilton, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lake, Lafayette, Lee, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Manatee, Marion, Martin, Nassau, Okaloosa, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas, Putnam, St. Johns, St. Lucie, Santa Rosa, Sarasota, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Volusia, Wakulla, Walton, and Washington.

Welcome to the Supreme Court Online Docket.   Dockets may be searched by Case Number, Party or Attorney, Lower Tribunal Case Number or Date Filed.

Obtaining Criminal History Records.  Florida's Legislature has implemented  criminal history record check fees. The fee for public requests is $23.

Official Records (OR) Public Search.  Palm Beach County.  Users of the Clerk's web site may view and print images from Official Record documents filed with the Clerk & Comptroller since Jan. 1, 1968.
Georgia Cobb County AccessAllows online users to access Cobb County, Georgia court records.  The database includes civil and criminal cases.

Gwinnett County - Allows party/case search or calendar search. 
Hawaii CourtConnect   Search for Traffic cases by name or traffic case type.
Ho'ohikiDatabase to Hawaii's court documents.  It includes civil, family, and probate cases.
Idaho Idaho Department of Correction.  This database provides information about offenders currently under Idaho Department of Correction jurisdiction: those incarcerated, on probation, or on parole. The database includes a listing of felonies for which an offender is serving time. It may be serched by offender name and/or offender number(s).

Idaho Supreme Court Data Repository.  This Web site is available to the public to provide information on the status of trial court cases in the state of Idaho.
Illinois Access to Electronic Full Case Docket Search.  Access information from Cook County, Illinois Circuit Court.  The database contains information on civil, law, chancery, and domestic relations cases.  Information may be accessed by case number, name and filing date. 
Jackson County Case Information.  Jackson County, Illinois Circuit Court database allows users to search for case information.  Users must pay a fee of $12.95 to access the Premium Services.

Macon County Case Information
. Retrieve information about Macon County, Illinois cases.  The database includes civil, criminal, probate, and small claims cases.

Judici.  This Web site  is operated by, not a court. The site provides access to civil, criminal, and some traffic cases from 50  Illinois counties.  There is free access to limited information and fee-based premium services. 
Indiana Indiana Court Records Online    Public access—at no cost to the user—provided by the Indiana Supreme Court to case records from its Odyssey case management system.  A significant portion of the statewide caseload is included, and more courts are continually added.

Doxpop Court Cases
.   A subscription service that provides access to court records in 46 counties (138 courts) in Indiana.

Online Docket - Electronic Case Search for Indiana Supreme Court, Court of Appeals. and Tax Court.  Allows users the options to search by case number, litigant's last name, or attorney's last name.
CivicNet.  For a fee of $50, users can access civil and criminal case summaries for the City of Indianapolis/Marion County Government.
Iowa Iowa Courts Online.  Allows users to access information on civil and criminal cases in Iowa.  For a fee of $25 per month, users can retrieve additional information on specific cases, such as trial court cases schedules, exhibits, and bonds.
Kansas Criminal Court Records.  Administered by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, this website allows a user to search an individual's criminal history.
Case Inquiry System.  Serving the Kansas Appellate Courts.  The database allows users to search for cases by number or name.
Kentucky Kentucky Court Records Online.   Available for civil, criminal and domestic violence cases.  Displays case number and case title only.
Louisiana Case Search - Louisiana 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.  The Case Record Database may be searched by District Court Case Number, Appellate Court Case Year or Case Number. 
Maine Criminal Record Search.  In order to search, one must have the individual's name, date of birth, and a credit card or InforME subscription for payment.
Maryland Maryland Judiciary Case Search.  This Web site provides public access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary.   Includes access to civil, criminal, and trafffic, and civil citation cases in the district and circuit courts. 
Public Case Information.  Allows users to search by docket number, party, attorney, or lower court
Michigan Case Search provides access to docketing level information.
Minnesota Access Court Records.  Access to public records of the Minnesota Judicial Branch. 
Mississippi Case Docket Search .  Access information on Mississippi Appellate cases by using case year and sequence number, party's last and/or first name, or attorney's last and/or first name.
Missouri  Provides access to the Missouri State Courts Automated Case Management System. Search (by litigant name, filing date, case number or scheduled hearing and trial date) available for  Missouri counties' with JIS automated case records.  The database includes civil, criminal, and paternity cases.
Nebraska Justice Court Case Searches. The Nebraska Trial Courts Case System (JUSTICE) offers online access to court case records for nearly every court in Nebraska (with the exception of Douglas County District Court). Search costs are billed per record or by flat monthly rate.
Justice: Court Case One Time Search.  This system is designed to allow easy access to information about court cases throughout Nebraska. For a $15.00 per search fee, a user can search for a party involved in a case in Nebraska.
Nevada Clark County Case Search .  Access information on civil, criminal, and probates cases in the District Court of Clark County (Las Vegas).

Contexte CourtConnect.  Second Judicial District Court - Washoe County (Reno) Nevada.  Search by person or case type.
New Hampshire New Hampshire Court Records currently not online.  4/1/2007.
N. H. Courts move slowly toward public Internet access.   January 21, 2007.
New Jersey Civil Motion Calendar Search Page.  Users can access information concerning civil cases in the Superior Court of New Jersey.
New Mexico New Mexico Case Information .  Users can access case information from the New Mexico District Court, Magistrate Courts, and Municipal Courts.  If searching for case information prior to 1997, one may have the contact the court in order to obtain the desired information.
Bernalillo County Cases requires a password.
Corrections Department Offender Search .  One must know the first and last name of the individual or his New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD) number in order to obtain information.
New York Case Trac Services .  Offers information on New York civil Supreme Court cases in all 62 counties.  The database also has decisions dating back to 2001 for Allegany, Bronx, Broome, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Cortland, Delaware, Erie, Kings, Livingston, Madison, Monroe, Nassau, New York, Niagara, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Suffolk, Westchester and Wyoming Counties. Reports for the Department of Corrections.
North Carolina Incarcerated Offender Search.

Criminal Background Check Companies.  This is a listing of the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts of companies that make North Carolina civil and criminal records available for a fee.
North Dakota Supreme Court Docket Search.
Ohio Supreme Court Case Docket .  Search the docket using the case number, party's name, or attorney's information.
Cuyahoga County Public Access .   Access the records of the county's Probate Court.  The database includes information on estates, guardianships, and marriage licenses.
Fairfield County Clerk of Courts .   Access the records of the county's courts.  The database includes information on civil, criminal, and divorce cases.
Franklin County Public Access .  Retrieve information on criminal and civil cases in Franklin County's Municipal Court.
Franklin County Probate Case Search .  

Hamilton County Case Inquiry.  
Access county case records on civil, criminal, and traffic cases.
Lake County Court Records .   Contains information on civil, criminal, domestic relations, and Court of Appeals cases .
Montgomery County Public Records Online (PRO) System Search court cases by last name, company name, or case number.
Summit County Case Search .  Access information on civil, criminal, domestic, and court of appeals cases.
Oklahoma Oklahoma State Court Network .  Contains information on the 13 largest counties in Oklahoma and all of the appeals courts.
Oklahoma District Court Records .  Search county district court public records.
Oregon Your Access to Oregon Cases on the Internet.   Subscription service.  Startup fee $295.00 plus minimum monthly fee of $10.   Case types include civil, domestic relations, criminal, probate and small claims
Public Records Search from the Oregon State Police.
Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System (UJS) Web Portal. Public access to appellate court, criminal common pleas court, and magisterial district court docket sheets; court calendars; rules of court; UJS contract postings; and ePay for secure payment of fines, costs and restitution.
Criminal History Search.   This website is administered by the Pennsylvania State Police.
UJS Public Access Policies. Find policies and related information pertaining to accessing official case records of the magisterila district courts, electronic case records, and UJS financial records.
First Judicial District, Pennsylvania Civil Trial Division Find information on arbitration appeals, compulsory arbitration, and commerce case management.
Rhode Island Criminal Information Database.  Search the public records by name or case identification.
South Carolina Criminal Records Check.  This website is sponsored by the South Carolina Law Enforcement.  Incarcerated Criminals Search.  
South Carolina Judicial Department.  Users can do a free docket search of most courts in South Carolina from this site.
South Dakota Criminal and Civil Records.  South Dakota offers record searches through the Clerk of Courts office.   The state also offers online access to the State Court's Civil Judgments database.  Public, 'pay as you go' users can retrieve judgments by name and date.
Subscriber Access Criminal/Subscriber Access Civil   -  Harris County -  Fee Based - $150.00 sign up + $10.00 per month + CPU time charge.
5th Court of Appeals Case Information.
Utah Xchange.  Allows users to access information on Utah's court and cases.  The online database requires a paid subscription.
Appellate Docket Search.  Allows users to access case information by using the appellate case number.  The database does not allow searches for cases that have been closed for longer than 3 months.
Vermont Welcome to Vermont Courts Online.   Provides detailed case information which  includes case summaries and real-time docket chronologies.  Access is currently available for Civil and Small Claims cases in 12 of the 14 Superior Courts.  There is an activation fee of $12.50

Supreme CourtSearch for information on cases using name, case number, or hearing date.
Court of AppealsSearch for information on cases using name, case number, or hearing date.
Circuit Courts.  Not all Circuit Courts provide online case information.

District Courts: This is the case management system for General District Courts in Virginia.
Washington Search for a Case.  The search tool returns a case summary and, where applicable, calendar information and a list of case activities (docket).

Criminal Records.
  For a $10.00 search fee, one can access criminal records on the Washington State Patrol Web site.
JIS-Link.  Obtain access to information in the Judicial Information System's statewide computer with a paid subscription.
West Virginia West Virginia Circuit Court Web Access.   West Virginia provides access to court records by subscription.  Sign up fee is $125.00 plus a flat monthly fee and a per minute connect charge.
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access.  WCCA provides access to the public records of the Consolidated Court Automation Programs. Includes criminal, traffic, forfeiture, family, probate, and civil cases.

Wisconsin Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Case Access. WSCCA provides public access to the status of appeals filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. Generally, this site includes appeals that were considered "Open" from the end of 1993 forward.
Wyoming Wyoming Appellate Case Management System
Washington, D.C. District Of Columbia Court Cases Online

Federal courts
Justia is a searchable database of all federal district court filings since 2004.  Cases can be searched by party, case type or jurisdiction.
This information comes from the National Center For State Courts (NCSC).

How To Find Out About Sex Offenders Living Near You

Every year some new piece of legislation is enacted at the state or federal level to help protect children from sexual predators and pedophiles. Unfortunately, most of this legislation still requires parents to be proactive when it comes to learning about where sex offenders are currently living. Legislation already exists in many places to block sex offenders from living within certain areas. However, this is not enough. That legislation does not tell you when a sex offender is living across the street from you or when a sex offender has moved down the street from you. For all you know, your children might be playing in your yard right beside the home of a sex offender. So how can you protect yourself from sex offenders and pedophiles?

Protecting your children is a full time endeavor. However, the government has made the job easier. When a person becomes a registered sex offender, they are faced with certain requirements. They are required to register where they live and work. This is important, but it is of little consequence if you do not know this information. Fortunately, there is a website that allows you to search for sex offenders by name, search for sex offenders by geographic location and search for sex offenders within a certain radius of a particular address. That last type of search is particularly useful for people who are perhaps moving to a particular area. You can see what sex offenders and pedophiles live near your new address along with information about their crimes.
The websites that give you sex offender information are free.

  1. The US Department Of Justice maintains the National Sex Offender Public Website. This website offers you a wealth of information about sex offenders in addition to a first-class search feature that allows you to locate the sex offenders in your area. 
  2. The FBI maintains a list to individual state level sex offender registries. This list includes US territories as well as links to several Native American Indian sex offender registries.
These resources will help you identify sex offenders and pedophiles in your area.

The Trust!Wait!Investigate! Team

How To Block Your Phone Number From Caller Id When You Make A Phone Call

Have you ever wanted to call someone without having your number show up on that person's caller id? If so, you have come to the right place! Hiding your phone number from a caller id system is very easy. Whether you have a landline or mobile phone number, you can use one of the techniques listed below to block your phone number from showing up on a caller identification system.

  1. Dial *67 and then the number you want to call. For example, if you are calling 410-555-1212, you will dial *674105551212.This will allow you to call someone without your number showing up on a caller id system.
  2. Call the person through your voicemail system. Call your voicemail, wait for the prompt and dial the number. The person you call will not see your phone number.
  3. Block your number from showing up for all outgoing calls placed from your phone. The important thing to remember about this is that some people automatically block anonymous calls. You will not be able to use this method to call people with anonymous call rejection.

These methods will allow you to do investigative work without having your number show up on the caller id of the person you are calling.
The Trust!Wait!Investigate! Team