Every single day we let people into our lives. Sometimes these connections are momentary - we pass by someone at a store, we wait behind someone in line, we ask someone for help. However, sometimes these connections run much deeper. For most of us, our initial thing to do is to trust people until we are given a reason not to. However, the reality is that blind trust can end up leaving us vulnerable to predators - people who have no conscience and think nothing of destroying our world for their own selfish gain. What can you do to protect yourself? What can you do to even the odds when faced with people and situations that are out to harm you?
Trust! Wait! Investigate! is here to help you learn how to protect yourself. We provide you with the information and tools that will allow you to investigate the people you encounter before you invest your time, energy and effort into integrating these people into your world. We help you arm yourself with knowledge. Ultimately, knowledge is power. Knowledge helps you make an informed choice about the correct path for you.
Life is too short and your time is too precious to waste. However, your road can be long and hard if you do not do the investigative homework on those you choose to let into your circle. Let us help. Read the articles on this site. Visit our shop. Purchase and use our products. Absorb the information you get and make the most of it.
Do not continue to trust someone who is not deserving of your trust.
Denial is nothing more than a rail car to hell.
Trust if you must, wait before you act on that trust and investigate to get all of the facts!
It could mean the difference between life and death or happiness and unhappiness.
You are worth the wait to investigate!
The Trust!Wait!Investigate! Team
- Is that wonderful guy you have been dating actually married?
- Is that beautiful girl that is calling you a convicted felon?
- Does the employee you just hired have a criminal record?
- Is your son or daughter in legal trouble?
- Is your spouse cheating?
- Is that person moving in across the street from you a pedophile?
- Does your new pastor have a history of stealing money from people?
Life is too short and your time is too precious to waste. However, your road can be long and hard if you do not do the investigative homework on those you choose to let into your circle. Let us help. Read the articles on this site. Visit our shop. Purchase and use our products. Absorb the information you get and make the most of it.
Do not continue to trust someone who is not deserving of your trust.
Denial is nothing more than a rail car to hell.
Trust if you must, wait before you act on that trust and investigate to get all of the facts!
It could mean the difference between life and death or happiness and unhappiness.
You are worth the wait to investigate!
The Trust!Wait!Investigate! Team